NH Made Products

For nearly 18 years Michael Vermouth has been building cedar strip boats and providing plans and materials for literally hundreds of homebuilders of canoes, kayaks and rowing boats in the form of “kits”. These “kits” are in reality an assembly of specific materials that allow a first time builder to construct the most beautiful, lightweight, and relatively maintenance free wood boats available today.

The Newfound Woodworks started in 1984 as a custom woodworking business. After four years of building cabinets and furniture, Michael built his first cedar strip canoes based on the designs in a book called “Canoecraft”. This type of boat construction became Michael’s passion and soon the boat building and kit manufacturing overwhelmed the cabinet making. The range of boat designs now includes canoes, kayaks and rowing boats.
-These boats are really wood-cored fiberglass construction. The wood provides beauty and shape; fiberglass and epoxy provide strength, durability, and moisture resistance. Most designs are based on historic designs from years past when people simply paddled or rowed. However, the construction methods utilize sophisticated marine CAD computer programs, CNC routers, and the leading marine epoxies. The Newfound Woodworks is a place where the designs are ageless and the beauty is astounding.
The Woodworks is also the founder and principal organizer of one of NH's best wooden boat events the Newfound Rendezvous.
Newfound Woodworks • 67 Danforth Brook Road • Bristol, New Hampshire 03222-9418 • 603-744-6872 • 603-909-8939 • E-mail:
info@newfound.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it • www.newfound.com
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